'3PARA'+PAR@`wTEXT`iAcknowledgments As one of the founders of Pilgrim New Media, it is sobering to look back and see how many people we relied upon in producing Her Heritage. The first to acknowledge this projects potential was Lisa Carlson at Merriam-Webster. Carlsons early support, together with that of author Robert McHenry, helped ensure that Her Heritage became Pilgrims first title. In her role as director of Merriams electronic publishing projects, Carlson repeatedly helped clear obstacles that the project encountered. Many others at Merriam-Webster deserve mention, too. Frederick Mish, Michael Belanger, Kathleen Doherty, Daniel Hopkins, Barbara Quimby and Gloria Afflitto played important roles in helping McHenry develop the original biographical database that forms the core of Her Heritage. Belanger and current editorial director Robert Copeland provided invaluable help and advice in the updating of the database for this project. In pulling Her Heritage together, Pilgrim also relied heavily on the New York stock agencies Archive Films and Archive Photos for movie footage and stills (photographs, etc.). Faye Schreibman and Patrick Montgomery at Archive were especially helpful. Thanks, too, to the Library of Congress and to Continuum Productions, Bettman Archives, and Culver Pictures for coming up with the many other photos we needed to complete this project. A unique and invaluable resource to the entire Pilgrim editorial team was the unique Editorial Advisory Board that first met in February 1994 and which contributed advice and guidance in many ways since. Particularly valuable on this project were the many suggestions from board members as to which new entries were needed to bring the biographical database up to date and to give Her Heritage greater depth and breadth. Arleen Boyd, Frances Lee, David Boucher and Marilyn Sternbach-Guisbond provided important advice early in the project that helped shape the business strategy that Pilgrim followed in creating this title. Jeffrey Starfield of CD/Works and Bill Churchill of CF Video provided important technical services; we owe a similar debt to all our friends at Pageworks and Typotech in Cambridge, at Peacock Press in Rockland and at VOX Television Production and Weisman Video Productions in Watertown, Mass. On the marketing front, Ashley McCown, Naomi Roth, Neerja Sharma, and Helene Solomon of Bishoff Solomon Communications did an outstanding job for us in setting the stage for a successful rollout of Her Heritage. We were lucky to meet them when we did. A heartfelt note of thanks, too, is owed to Apple Computer, and in particular to marketing director Ralph Rogers and technical support angel Kate Adams for all the marketing and technical help Apple gave this project. Her Heritage was developed using the Apple Media Kit, which proved an especially appropriate platform for creating cross-platform multimedia applications like this one. Apples decision to feature pre-release versions of Her Heritage at trade shows in Atlanta, Los Angeles, New York and Boston gave the project an important boost at a critical stage in its development. Marc Honorof and Bruce Edwards of Cambrix Publishing deserve special mention for all their more recent efforts on behalf of the product. The Mass. Software Council, the Cambridge Business Development Center, Bruce and Estelle MacDonald, Judy Stoia, the Boston Public Library, the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and the M.I.T. Humanities Library all helped in sometimes surprising ways. Bill and Carol Canty, Andee Rubin, and Deborah Grubb got unexpected calls to help out, and all were there when most needed. To them all, our heartfelt thanks. But even warmer applause is due the Her Heritage team itselfthe many people who contributed directly to bringing this unique product to life. It remains difficult to line up proper financial support for projects like this one; in our case, this added unforeseen complications to an already ambitious project. I personally want to thank every team memberand, yes, their spousesfor their perseverance and patience. Rhonda, Patsy, Monica, Denise, Lee, Anne, Bruce, Liz, Soyeun, Shalondra, Marianne, et al.your support was very much appreciated at every turn. Finally, dear reader, wed all like to thank you for discovering Her Heritage. Please tell your friends. The Her Heritage team: Producer: Rhonda Richards Editorial director: Patsy Baudoin Writers: Diane Brown, Denise Gilpin, Katherine Gyllensvard, Ann Holder, Joanne Lukitsch, Carol Eve Marton, Emily Orlando, Nancy Palmer, Stephanie Stewart, Elena Stone. Proofreaders/editors: Soyeun Choi, Barbara Shuman, Cassandra Nolen, Lisa Jones, Diane Wells, Carol Caradimos. Illustrator: Liz Haywood-Sullivan. Art director: Michael J. Sullivan. Graphic design: Monica Briggs, Vicki Adjami. Film & photo research: Anne Kerman, Karen Wyatt, Robin Wilder. Photo capture and editing: Monica Briggs, Albert B. Lash, Michael J. Sullivan. Video capture and editing: Rhonda Richards. Software design & engineering: George Touchstone. Windows programming: Bruce Kulik. Media integration: George Touchstone. Professional/technical consultants: Frank Coleman (video editing), Mark Fischer (intellectual property law), Edward P. Smith (accounting), Joanna Tamer (software distribution), Barbara Zimmerman (rights clearances). Pilgrim New Media: Chairman & CEO: Chip Canty. Chief technical officer: George Touchstone. VP, product planning & design: Michael J. Sullivan. VP, editorial operations: Rhonda Richards. Editorial advisory board: Richard Anders, Nina Arimah, Ellen Bari, Patsy Baudoin, Gilda Bruckman, Margaret Cerullo, Frank Coleman, Susan Dowling, Jeanne Watson Driscoll, Diane Franklin, Liz Haywood-Sullivan, Karen Johnson, Evelyn Fox Keller, Anne Kerman, Maria Manhattan, Marlene Manoff, Robin Masi, Nancy Fernandez Mills, Lee Phenner, Anne-Marie Stein, E. Francis White. Assistant VP, marketing: Lee Phenner. Marketing services: Ryan Alexander, Soyeun Choi, Diane Franklin, Serena Henry, Shalondra Henry, Amra Sam, Jane Taylor. Accountant: Marianne Stebenne. Office management: Soyeun Choi, Lisa Jones, Cassandra Nolen, Andrea Salerno, Barbara Shuman, Diane Wells. styl`!55!I!I!I 5!I!I!I+!I9!IN!I[!I 5!I>!IL!IN!I^!I`!Ip!Ir!I!I!I!I!I!I!I!IH!IW!I 5!I!I!Ib!Iq!Iv!I!Ig 5h!I!I!I!I!I 5!I!I!I'!I)!I6!I;!IU!I!I!I!I !Il!Iu!Iz!I!I!I!I!I!I!I!I  5 !I !I )!I +!I 5!I 7!I D!I J!I X!I \!I z!I !I !I  5 !I .!I <!I f!I r!I !I !I !I !I !I !I !I !I P 5 Q!I ]!I b!I o!I s!I !I !I !I !I !I "!I =!I ?!I I!I O!I d!I j!I !I !I !I !I !I !I !I !I!IO 5P!I!I!I5!I!I!I!I!I5 !I !I' !I. !I9 !II !I] !Il !It !I !I* !I !I !I !I !I !I !I !I !I: !IT !I !I !I !I !I !I !I  !I !I3 !IV !I !I! !I0 !I> !IV !Ik !I !I !I !I !I !IA !IY !Ih !I{ !I !I !I !I !Ih !Ilink`HYPR